All the answers you need to the questions you might have
Why A Million Letters?
Our goal is collect and deliver one million letters of hope to facing the crisis of cancer. These letters have an incredible healing power. We want to reach as many people as posible so we set our goal high at a million letters.
Where do you donate the books and letters?
Books and letters are donated to hospitals, oncologist centers, and doctors offices. We are currently in 5 different hospitals and plan on reaching more soon. Letters can be distributed to anyone anywhere in the country. See the Request Letters page to learn how to get letters or books in a hospital near you.
Where are you based?
We are based out of St. Louis but you can reach us with a click of a button. We will send letters and books anywhere.
How can I help on a larger scale?
One of the coolest things about A Million Letters is that it is something that everyone can do. Shoot us an email if you would like supplies to have your own letter drive or book distribtion.