When #storiesofhope started a year ago I would never have believed it would become a published book. I originally started the campaign after reading an amazing letter from a teen my age. She wrote about her grandmother's battle with breast cancer and how her grandmother continues to inspire her community with strength and grace. Later that day I delivered her heartfelt letter to the hospital and gave it away. Although It made someone very happy, I wanted to make more people feel this way with stories like hers. One day I came across Humans of New York while scrolling through Facebook. Brandon Stanton, the founder of Humans of New York, travels around the city of New York and takes pictures of the people living there while asking a question about their life. I wanted to create a similar community of cancer survivors. Over the past year I have interviewed 10 different families that have faced a cancer diagnoses to hear their stories, advice, and encouragement to newly diagnosed patients.
Stories of Hope has been been a labor of love. It has been amazing to see this goal of mine come to fruition. The long hours of editing pictures, transcribing interviews, and re-submitting to the publisher have paid off. I can't wait to see how far this book will go and more importantly how it will bring hope to those in their darkest days. I understand how powerful it can be to know that someone has been where you are and has survived. The purpose of Stories of Hope is to do exactly that. I am dedicating this book to my dear friend, Arianna. She had a light like no other. She radiated love, hope, and happiness everywhere she went. I am so happy to continue spread Ari's light with people around the world.
This book is for sale on Amazon.com in North America & Europe and is sold in select bookstores as well. The proceeds from the book will go towards buying more books for doctor's offices, oncologist centers, and hospital around the nation. We already have agreements with 5 different hospitals to share our book with their patients. I am so pleased with the message of this book and I hope you are too. Click the link below to purchase your own!